
J.B Hood

Wyndham Worldwide

Alan Holt is simply the best. His programs build confidence in the lives of his participants and his commitment to excellence is contagious. He has positively affected the culture and climate in our workplace and we’ve seen an increase in sales, service and performance as a direct result of Alan’s coaching and consulting.

P. Lester

CSK Legal

Alan is one of my favorites. He comes from a great family and he continues to use his passion and talents to move people towards great achievements. He is an engaging, gifted speaker and a world class performer. I am inspired every time I hear him speak!

Nancy Bryant

I am not only grateful, but I am truly thankful for having the opportunity to experience such a wonderful group of loving, knowledgeable people who have made a huge impact on my life. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, feelings and wisdom. Because of these classes, I can now face my own personal issues. I’ve been broken inside for so long and I’ve blamed everyone in my path for the things that I had control over all the time. I learned that I need to make better choices for no one other than me before I can begin to make someone else happy.

The lesson of codependency opened my eyes to where I am in my life and what I’ve been doing wrong…until today. I thought I was alone in my thinking until Ms. Cheryl shared some personal things with us that really touched me deep within. Thank you.

Bershawn Jackson

Olympic Medalist

Alan is the best at what he does…I love hearing him speak! If you’re in need of someone with a winning philosophy, that can teach any and every age group. Alan Holt can get ​it done!

Joseph Dillard

Financial Coach, K.I.P. Financial Services

I am honored to take this opportunity to recommend Mr. Holt as a Business Coach. I met Alan in 2008 when I was beginning my Financial Coaching business. I attribute a lot of my success to association with Alan. He was genuinely interested in what I wanted to do. We then began to set goals together and he helped me to set benchmarks to make sure I was doing the right activities to reach my goals. He held me accountable and made sure I made progress. Alan is not just a coach in title, but he truly coaches to ensure you are successful. I would call him a “player’s coach” because he is not just in it for himself. He wants you to win. When you win, he wins!

Konde Hegngi


“Alan’s Coaching revitalized my vision and my dreams. It re-ignited my fire and passion for business and gave me the tools, principles and relationships I’ll need to accomplish my goals rapidly. I went to the Secretary of State and immediately registered my new health care business.

His coaching has changed my life.”

Onika Craven

Sports Reporter

“I went to Alan Holt believing I would learn how to start a business and how to increase my wealth. But in fact, I received so much more. Not only did I get the information needed to start my business, but I also received personal coaching that taught me ways to expand my network and ways to attract clients that can use my talents and skills as an actress, model on a national level. Thanks so much!”

Gloria Rodgers

Business Owner

“Everyone that attended Alan ‘s Leadership Conference said, “It’s value was priceless.” We all agreed that the level of training given far exceeded our expectations. One of the Conference attendees said she learned more in two days here than she had in 2 years of Business School while earning her Master’s Degree in New Mexico. I was really impressed and I realized that this was the level of teaching and coaching I needed to pursue and accomplish my dreams. The value of this experience cannot be expressed in words and I am so grateful I was given an opportunity to attend. Thanks so much for investing and believing in me.”

Dupree Logan

Business Owner

“Alan is hard working and focused. He always displays a high degree of integrity, and responsibility. I was also impressed with his leadership skills, his professionalism and his ability to teach. He is an outstanding team player and leader who is always motivated, consistent, and passionate. He will exceed your expectations.”

Nancy S

Program Attendee

Until I heard this message, I didn’t realize how much fear had affected the results I was producing my life! I came to the session as a broken woman desperately needing direction and motivation. I left the session as an empowered woman, capable of loving myself and ready to move forward with my life. Thanks Alan and Cheryl for speaking directly to my heart and helping me find peace again.
